Rohan Satoskar

I'm a

About Me

Hi! My name is Rohan Satoskar. I’m a Commercial artist based in Canada. I’m fascinated by all forms of elegant design. Design, for me, is like a never-ending process of evolution which provides novel solutions for the betterment of our lives, including exploring the realms of design through a multitude of innovative and exciting platforms. Website design and branding have been key elements within the work, as well as daily management of client expectations.

My Abilities

• 8+ Years of Experience in visual designing & Events.

• Education - Interactive Media Design, Diploma in commercial arts and Interior Decoration.

• Complete understanding of production processes from print through electronic.

• Ability to follow projects through concept, ideation, design development and resource allocation/management.

• A powerful portfolio that demonstrates a passion for design and results.

• Intense curiosity and information seeking skills.

• Ability to work in fast-paced environment while maintaining attention to detail Experiences.

Adobe Illustrator - 6 years of experience
Adobe Photoshop - 4 years of experience
Adobe InDesign - 6 years of experience
Coral Draw - 4 years of experience
3ds Max + Vray - 6 years of experience
After Effects - 4 years of experience
Figma - 2 years of experience
WordPress - 2 years of experience
HTML, CSS & JS - 1 year of experience


  • Print Design

    Graphic Design | Packaging Design | Environmental Graphics | Retail | Signage and Restaurant | Advertising | Promotional | Marketing...

  • Branding and Messaging

    Brand Identity | Brand Communication | Name + Tagline Generation | Content Strategy | Style Guide...

  • Web Design

    Website Design | Website Development | UX / UI Design | WordPress Website | Content Creation | Responsive | E-commerce | Apps...

  • Social Media

    Social Media Management | Content Design | Audience Targeting | Promotional Campaigns | Photography | Visual Effects...

  • Exhibition Design

    3D Design | Space Planing | Walkthrough | Branding | Product Display Design | Material | Fabrication work ...

  • Interior Design

    3D Design | Space Planing | Walkthrough | Branding | Floor plan | Elevations | Material Suggestion | Fabrication work ...

  • 0

    Projects Completed
  • 0

    Logos Designed
  • 0+

    Stall Designed
  • 0

    Happy Clients

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  • Its a one stop destination for complete travel guide for the state of Gujarat. It is first of its kind app having ...

    Its a one stop destination for complete travel guide for the state of Gujarat, India. It is first of its kind app having Time table for bus services across Gujarat. Apart from bus services we offer various other services i.e. From Metro to Railways to auto Rickshaw fares to ferry etc. It's our ode to the holi land of Gujarat. I am very happy to announce that I designed all the app icons, logo, splash screen! Please do check the app and if you like the app please do share with your family and friends and tell them to do the same.

  • This is my first 2D game development starting from scratch. It's a very interesting concept ...

    while studying Interactive Media Design I actually learn a 2D game development starting from scratch. This is my 1st game where I design this character 'Chili'. I am really happy to introduce you to all this as my first game design and development. It's a very interesting concept in 2 levels just a small game :) Click on the PLAY link and enjoy it!

  • April 12, 2019 Branding

    Having a solid, trusted brand is important for your company to thrive. If your target audience does not know or trust ...

    Having a solid, trusted brand is important for your company to thrive. If your target audience does not know or trust your brand, how will you ever increase your customer base and sales? Here are six innovative strategies you can use to increase brand awareness and help your business thrive. Inviting influencers into your niche is a great way to increase brand awareness and hopefully drive sales. When influencers have an established audience that knows and trusts them, once they mention your product(s) and discuss your brand in their content, those mentions will expand your reach and increase peoples awareness of your product. Ikonick is a perfect example of a company that works directly with influencers: It sells canvas art for your home and office. The way Ikonick uses influencers involves providing them with art and having those influencers pose with the art, then share the photos on social media. "Our relationships are an important part of our business," co-founder Mark Mastrandrea told me. "Our relationships make up our community, and the community is how our brand grows." Ikonick uses all types of influencers, from Instagram photographers to celebrities. The companys social strategy has enabled it to scale and grow exponentially because its influencers become part of its sales team -- even ambassadors. The relationship is mutually rewarding, Mastrandrea said. Companies can also offer to sponsor influencers at an event (if they do that sort of thing) and even use them as spokespersons for their brand and product(s). A lot of CrossFit-related companies do this, including Rogue Fitness, which sponsors certain athletes with clothing. The athlete then becomes a walking billboard for the company. Have you ever received an order that came in branded packaging? Rather than see it as just another shipment, perhaps you felt that that that special branding made the package seem like a gift. The team knows that the product experience doesn't commence at first use, but rather at the unboxing stage. How companies present their brand, and the story they tell through their design and graphics, can create an emotional connection with the customer that may last even longer than the product itself.

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